Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TT Tuesday -- speed record

Today I did a staple of my recovery week - a 6-minute all out time trial on the bike. Every time I do this, I improve. Last time I rode 25.8 mph, which was my record at that point.

I was massively inspired by Michelle's foray into 24 mph land during her 6-minute TT on Monday, same as I was to do today.

If Michelle can obliterate a speed record, why can't I?

I felt strange during the day... for the first time in as long as I can remember, I had NO stiffness or soreness in my legs. Every time I got up from my chair at work, nothing. Just loose and limber joints and limbs (limber limbs, get it?? hahahaha!). This had to be a good omen!

I got out to the Gtown loop and warmed up, probably a little too much and too fast, but seeing Michelle do some warmup sprints before her TT, made me think that it could help me too. Wind was pretty calm also, 3-5 mph from the south. I got underway and my first lap I averaged 27.3 mph! Holy cow. I kept the cadence high but my pace was slipping a little into the final hill. I surged up it to hit six minutes... and a speed average of 26.8 mph!!! Boomshakalaka!

A new speed record set, a whole mph faster than 3-4 weeks ago. Church Creek, here I come.

Rodan reaches speeds of roughly Mach 1. Maybe I can too one day?

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